Char Bee Hoon 炒米粉
I was supposed to be on my way to meet the girls for Boon’s going-away-to-do-her-PHD party this evening. With 15 minutes to spare before I had to get out the door, I suddenly had this compelling urge to do a blog post on Char Bee Hoon! So what’s a girl to do except sit down dutifully to write a blog post at the risk of being veryyy late.. and this same girl is now now pretty miffed because the post got accidentally deleted! In any case, I hope (re)blogging about Char Bee Hoon cheers me up. If the Char Bee Hoon you’re familiar with is a version stir fried with…
Furong Egg
Ok, Jason is looking at me like I am mad because here I am blogging a Furong Egg recipe at 11pm on the eve of our pre-wedding shoot and I have not finished preparing the things to bring tomorrow (Toto and Tato are going on an outing). I have not moisturised my face, I have not put on my face mask, and oh we fly to Bali on Wednesday and I have not packed anything too. But as always, I prioritise. Blogging about Furong Egg is important, okayyy? I remember preparing allll the ingredients for this dish in a hurry one evening after 88’s eye appointment. After everything was chopped…