Pregnancy: The second trimester – 20-week anomaly scan + gestational diabetes scare
Feeling baby’s movements (Week 15-19) These four weeks felt like forever because it’s the longest we’ve gone without seeing Chua Bee Bee. How is she? Is she well? Is everything developing correctly? Week 15 was also when I started bugging Aishah incessantly, “How would I know if the baby is ok?” You won’t know. You just got to have faith. I guess this period of limbo is really “no news is good news”.
Pregnancy: The second trimester – harmony test and gender reveal!
(This pic is so stereotypical.. I’m going to paint my nursery mint or turquoise regardless of whether my baby is a girl or boy!) The second trimester (Week 13) I read that pregnancy symptoms reduce drastically in the second trimester and it is true. I got my energy back! I also got back the results of my Harmony test, which screens for the risks of chromosomal abnormality trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) and trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome).