My Mom’s Ah-Ma Sponge Cake Recipe
Mom has always been an amazing baker and cook. One of my fondest memories is my brothers and I fighting over the butter cake pan because we wanted to scrape off the bits stuck to the sides after she removed the cake. We preferred those yummy cake bits more than the actual cake back then. Now? You can have those cake scraps guys. I’ll settle for a piece of rich buttery cake, thanks!
Blueberry Butter Loaf Cake
I don’t know about you, but me and cake? We have a special relationship. I eat cake when I turn a year older, when I get a new job, when I feel stressed, when I am happy, when I feel fat (true story), before, during and after a break-up.. she’s never been out of my life all these years, really. She’s quite up there enjoying the same status as fried chicken, almost. There’s reallyyy a very thin line there. Sometimes she wins, and that’s a big deal.