Airfried Rosemary Spring Chicken
I guess it is time to admit that despite owning (and loving!) my airfryer for the longest time, I have NEVER cooked a whole chicken in it before. (I use the normal size 1st generation 9220 Philips Airfryer if you wish to know.) I always roast chicken using the oven because although it take a long time (at least an hour even for spring chickens), it is quite idiot proof and I don’t have to worry about it burning/turning out uncooked/unedible because I cook it in there ALL THE TIME. Old habits die hard, I guess, and I am resistant to change in this sense (or am just lazy to…
Roast Chicken with Garlic Sausage, Potato and Carrot Stuffing
When I need ideas on what to cook, I do three things: 1) open my freezer and see what existing protein I have, 2) check my vegetable chiller to see what kind of vegetables are available and 3) combine protein and vegetable to make a meal. Do you do the same? Oh, and if I do 1) and see I have no protein, it’s PASTA NIGHT! *dances* I remember when I just started cooking years ago, I would decide on a dish to make and then go right out and buy ALL the ingredients for that recipe. Not only did I spend alot of money, I also wasted alot of…