One Pot Bacon Potato Corn Chowder Soup – No Flour!
Everyone’s under the weather these days, if not for COVID, then the usual sore throat, cough, runny nose… it IS flu season anyway. Cbb and I are both down with sore throat (too much snacks me thinks), but we’re testing every two days just to be safe. She’s not the easiest kid when it comes to doing the ART. Tears start streaming even before we insert the swab stick! The whole family can be doing it with her and I’ve honestly memorised ALL the ‘tips to performing an ART on your kid’ already and nothing works. I really don’t geddit.
Slow-Cooked Oyster Sauce Chicken and Potatoes (with lots of gravy!)
Here’s another version of my oyster sauce chicken! This time it’s with lots of dark sauce gravy (my niece loves this) so you can slurp it up with rice. Sorry for the less-than-fabulous pictures under poor lighting conditions!