Sunday Brunch: Cheese Omelette
Sunday brunch breakfasts are one of my favourite things to cook because they are fun, easy and greasy to put together! Jason can easily do this platter without me worrying he will burn the kitchen down. Today, I fixed a simple erm, Saturday brunch, but as usual, my version is not thaaat sinful but I agree I should have gotten the bacon and ham!
The secret to a good cheese omelette, for me, has gotta be the addition of milk and choosing to use cheddar. I made this cheese omelette just slightly firmer, and crispier around the edges, but sometimes I like it still a bit wet and gooey in the middle. When you eat a mouthful, the barely-set creamy textures from the cheese, milk and egg combine so beautifully together, you can’t believe you’re spending only under a dollar a portion.
If you’re using bacon, ham, or sausages, cook the meats (and tomatoes!) first before cooking the omelette, for more flavour!(butter and bacon-fat.. mmmmmm)
Makes 1 serving
What I used:
2 medium eggs
2 tablespoons milk
1 stalk spring onions, chopped
1 slice chedder cheese, cut into small pieces
A knob of butter
Salt and pepper to taste
1 tomato, sliced
1. Crack 2 eggs in a large bowl, add a pinch of salt + pepper and beat with a fork. Add milk and beat quickly til frothy. I didn’t use a whisk but if you want to, go ahead!
2. Add in the spring onions and cheese. Melt the butter in a pan under medium heat and pour in the omelette mix when hot.
3. Let it set until not much liquid is around the edges, then fold omelette in half. Use the empty space to grill some tomatoes.
4. Slide the omelette onto a plate after 30 seconds and continue grilling the tomatoes both sides. Serve with ham, bacon, sausages, baked beans, muffins, toast, and everything else you like!
$0.50 for eggs
$0.40 for cheese
Everything else from my pantry!
Total cost per serving: $0.90
Great meal for anytime you’re lazy to whip up a “real” meal, and perhaps an inspiration for tomorrow’s (later’s) real Sunday brunch? ;) Remember the bacon, ham, sausages and french toast!