Pregnancy: Tips for changing your gynae at Week 35
If you’re following my Facebook page, you would have known that I have changed my gynae. If you’re (just about to be) in the same boat as me, hopefully this post will help you!
Different women have different needs when it comes to a gynae. Some can live with doctors who spare them all the details and don’t mind if a consultation takes 2-3 minutes. Some prefer doctors who empathise and give information even if the baby is doing well.
I know that my previous gynae is a competent surgeon when it comes to ovarian cysts. But I don’t get the one thing I need when I’m with him: assurance. I don’t feel assured when he always seems rushed during our checkups (his clinic is always FULL of people), doesn’t give me straightforward answers and brushes me off (even laughed in my face) when I bring up a concern. I’m sick of hearing, “Is there bleeding? Everything is normal if no bleeding.” I had already made up my mind not to go back to him if I decide to have a second baby, but news over the past week made me feel unsafe if I continued staying on with him, for reasons you can google (if you know who I was seeing). I don’t want regrets, and I would have more fear if I had stayed on as compared to switching. So I decided to do it.
Thankfully, we managed to find a gynae who will take us in this last lap. Sorry I have to keep his identity secret because I don’t want to hai him to be swarmed by last-minute requests. Thank you to my May Mummies Group for recommending him!
If you’re looking for a new gynae with about a month to go, act fast. Here are some tips:
1. Talk to people you trust
This is the time to ask around! Ask your siblings or close friends, or mummy groups for recommendations. I really recommend that as much as possible, talk to people of the same wavelength as you. If you are a super detailed type and you ask someone who prefers the doctor to spare all the details, then I don’t think you will find chemistry with your new gynae. BUT then again, at this last minute, you gotta keep your options open although there will still be doctors who will take you in.
2. Narrow down your choice
Out of the recommendations you’ve gathered, look for online reviews and consider these factors:
Which hospital is the gynae delivering at?
If the hospital is top priority to you and if the gynae doesn’t deliver at the hospital you want, strike him/her off the list. That’s what happened with us. We really wanted my 2nd sis-in-law’s gynae (cos my brother is super ngeow and he only has good things to say about him) but he only delivers at TMC.
Are the new doctor’s fees within your budget?
Changing a new gynae will set us back an extra thousand or two, taking into account the now ala carte consultation fees we gotta pay per visit, a higher delivery fee (my prev gynae was kind of below market rate) and the forfeit of consultation package. We didn’t really think too much of the extra to spend if it wasn’t too excessive, as long as there’s ‘feel’ with the new doctor and we got to deliver at the hospital of our choice.
Where is the clinic location? What about the consultation hours?
If you stay at Clementi, would travelling to Tampines for consultation be too much, no matter how good the gynae is? And if there’s no night clinic, would you be ok taking leave? Although with a month to go, you’ll probably see him 2-3 times max, but that’s something to consider too.
3. Call the clinic
Once you’ve decided on your preferred gynae, call the clinic immediately! Tell them your pregnancy situation and ask if the gynae will take you. The clinic nurse never asked why I wanted to switch – she simply asked how far along I am and if my pregnancy has been ok so far. Best to say someone recommended you! Ask when you can expect a call back. In the meantime, decide which gynae is your second choice. You gotta make arrangements if your preferred doctor can’t slot you in.
4. Confirm the charges
If the new gynae agrees to take you, congratulations! Confirm the ala carte consultation charges, delivery charges and doctor’s daily fees again so you don’t get a shock when the bill comes.
5. Prepare all your medical reports
I hope you’ve kept copies of your blood tests and baby scans! Get these ready and bring them along to the clinic on your first visit: the first trimester blood test, the 12th week scan, your OSCAR/Harmony test, 20th week detailed scan, GBS swab test (if you’re that far along) and so on.
And here’s a quick update on Chua Bee Bee!
At her 35+2 scan on Tuesday, she weighed 2.55kg with a steady fetal heart rate of 158 bpm. She’s putting on weight well and of a good size. She’s also in a head-down position, with her back to my belly, facing my spine. Doctor said this is the perfect position for birth although not the best for 3D scans. Haha. My amniotic fluid level is great, my blood pressure is super and urine dip-test is all clear. Her activity level is “PARTY MODE”. LOL. Here are her most recent scans:
The culprit kicking me all day!
I have put on a grand total of 11kg ever since I discovered I got pregnant! The majority was from my first trimester when I went carb crazy and put on 5kg. From Week 12 to now, I’ve put on 6 kg. Not too bad, I think, but I must say that I was overweight when I got pregnant, so my leeway for weight gain is smaller than most people. I target to lose 20kg after giving birth ;)
At 36 weeks, I’m a week to what’s considered full-term. Feel so heavy and difficult to sleep. And in case you’re wondering, yes I still cook every day! Lastly, if you’ve missed my previous post, here’s a special discount code for you to buy GAIA products:
Enjoy 10% OFF any GAIA range when you punch in my code “chuabeebee10” at checkout. No minimum purchase. PLUS, receive a Creamy Cleanser (125ml) for ladies (worth $22.90) when you purchase $80 and above. Valid on http://www.gaia.com.sg till 1 July 2016. ‘LIKE’ my Facebook page to be updated on more baby offers coming your way.
Other pregnancy posts:
Pregnancy: The big reveal!
Pregnancy: The first trimester scans… I saw an empty womb on my first scan
Pregnancy: The second trimester – harmony test and gender reveal!
Pregnancy: The second trimester – 20-week anomaly scan + gestational diabetes scare
Pregnancy: The third trimester 4D scan – I saw Chua Bee Bee’s cute little face!
Pregnancy: Mount Alvernia Hospital – Maternity Tour & Estimated Bill Size 2016
Pregnancy: Bellybuds! Playing music for your baby in the womb
FY2016 Budget: Is the government giving us an extra $3K into the Child Development Account?
Pregnancy: Why I’m choosing GAIA Natural Baby Organic Skincare for #ChuaBeeBee
Pregnancy: When you wrist hurts like nobody’s business (De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis)
How to bake your own chunky chocolate lactation cookies
Pregnancy: Week 39 – Low amniotic fluid and an eviction notice!

Ping Ping
Hihi, can I know who is your 2nd sis-in-law’s gynae, and who is the gynae you ended up with? Any recommendations? :)
My SIL went to Benjamin Tham and my incredible gynae is Dr Kenneth Lee from Mt A :)
Could you let me know his costs? Cause I am seriously considering him!
You should call his clinic for his updated charges :)
Hi so its ok to switch gynae even if the previous clinic already help to book the hospital bed? Payment for the hospital stay still not paid.
How to tell the nurse that u not going to continue and decided to switch gynae?
Sorry late reply. Yes, of course it’s ok to switch… nobody decides that but you! What do you mean by ‘how to tell the nurse’?
Hi, may i know what is the name of the gynae that you first saw. And why did you decide to switch to another gynae.