Under $2
Jamie Oliver’s Chicken in Milk Recipe
I know, who needs another roast chicken recipe? Actually, you do! I love roasting chickens whole not because like what others say, the juices are better retained etc etc, but because I don’t have to chop the chicken into pieces.. very leh ceh (troublesome)! I like roasting chickens also because they’re cheaper than other meats. Griller chickens between 800g to 1.2kg usually cost less than $4 (I recently bought 3 for $7.90 from Giant) and can feed my family of 4. Jason gets the breast meat, I take one thigh, Ah-mm takes the other, any 88 loves the chicken wings!
Airfried Rosemary Spring Chicken
I guess it is time to admit that despite owning (and loving!) my airfryer for the longest time, I have NEVER cooked a whole chicken in it before. (I use the normal size 1st generation 9220 Philips Airfryer if you wish to know.) I always roast chicken using the oven because although it take a long time (at least an hour even for spring chickens), it is quite idiot proof and I don’t have to worry about it burning/turning out uncooked/unedible because I cook it in there ALL THE TIME. Old habits die hard, I guess, and I am resistant to change in this sense (or am just lazy to…