Under $2
Braised Chicken Wings with Tomatoes, Olives and Peppers
I feel quite bad towards the husband as I have been endlessly catching up on work, blogging and assignments recently that he had instant noodles for dinner two times within the last week. I haven’t cooked him a ‘new’ meal in days, like dishes he hasn’t tried before and there were times that I was so caught up in front of the computer that he had to go buy us dinner from the kopitiam opposite our block both days over the weekend. Dinner for us has been quick fixes – yong tau foo soup, sliced fish soup, shakshuka or grilled salmon.
Pineapple Polo Bread Loaf
And I’m back to business! I was going to blog about my Taiwan trip first but got reminded by someone that “你正经的事不做,blog 什么 travel?” Oh! So now blogging about recipes and food is “正经的事”. Ok! The first thing I wanted to do when I got back from Taiwan was explore the Panasonic bread maker. It can make basic bread, bread rolls (that are to be finished in the oven), cake, dumpling skin and even chocolate! Apart from this polo bread loaf, I also made a Cheese and White Chocolate Cake in the afternoon. I declare today “Bread Maker Day”!