Garlic-Lemon Mackerel (Saba Fish)
I can almost taste the fish right now. You know when they say you could taste the freshness of the sea? I know exactly what that means when I take a bite of this Saba Fish. The firm but moist mackerel flesh seems to disintegrate when it touches your tongue, the flavour of the fish melting into your whole mouth. The strong garlic flavour contrasts with the hint of lemon.. and the fresh chilli gives it just the subtle kick that it needs. Don’t use chilli padi for this. You don’t want the heat to overtake the flavour of the fish.
[Airfried]: Eggs en Cocotte.. on toast!
I opened my eggs eyes this morning and went, “I gotta blog!” I have been pretty much missing in action the past week, and to me.. that is a looooong time. I have been busy erm, travelling. albeit to Batam (what? it is overseas ok?). I did a super stupid thing on our Batam trip which you will read about in my next post! Don’t get too excited. For tonight, I’m gonna show you how easy it is to make baked eggs (use up allll your leftovers!) in the airfryer. Now you can get excited!