Shrimp and Egg Fried Rice (with Bak Kwa) 蝦仁蛋饭
The husband cooked us a delicious Valentine’s Day dinner of chicken chop, baked potatoes and bacon and peas last night! So this morning when he asked for a DTF style fried rice, I couldn’t possible say no right? Initially I was stunned for a minute thinking how I am going to cook this. I also did a quick mental stock-take of my ingredients.. yes I have prawns, eggs, spring onion and even overnight rice from Friday. I think can ah!
Bacon & Eggs Muffin Cups (Airfry option)
Instead of going out and spending money on cafes, I decided to stay home and make some cafe food today! The fact is also that my fridge finally went ‘kapowwww’ yesterday and we have to quickly clear everything before they go bad. Luckily it decided to die on Saturday and not Sunday when I’d have been done with my marketing for the week!