Why I love wearing CBB in our Baby Tula carriers
This morning in the office, as I was making my way to the toilet, I met a friend and colleague, who follows my Facebook page.
“Just how many Tula baby carriers do you have?!”
“Err, not a lot!”
“But I always see you with a different one!”
To set things straight: I only have three six nine Tula carriers.
I also have a Kokadi Flip babysize, a Kokadi Flip toddler and an Ergo Adapt. Plus a Soul Flyaway ssc.
But I spoke the truth… I only have three six nine Tulas! Which isn’t too excessive I think. There’s potential for more! *runs* I love my Tulas!
A little background
Not many people know this, but the first thing I EVER bought for cbb, even before she was born, was a Tula canvas carrier, in Foliage (now discontinued):
I even ordered matching droolpads from Etsy, shipped from the US for $50 all in, I think. Fast forward to when CBB was 6 weeks old. Friends around me were using the Kokadi Flip with much success to calm colicky babies. It worked for us too. I loved my KKD and sold Foliage soon after.
Babywearing: it’s really about preference
But as cbb grew, I couldn’t use the KKD for more than an hour before my shoulders and back surrendered. I started exploring with different carriers, slings and wraps with the awesome Janna of Jars of Fluff, who introduced me to the world of babywearing. She made me see one thing: that there is no such things as a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to babywearing. I hated the ring sling. I tried wraps, and while they were the most supportive, I just couldn’t wrap with confidence in public. I tried the Mei Tai (now termed Meh Dai – Cantonese/ Bei Dai – Mandarin. I’m struggling to understand this, because not all Asians/people of Chinese race are Cantonese. Why use the Cantonese pronunciation instead of say, Teochew, Hokkien or Hakka? Isn’t choosing one Chinese dialect over another inappropriate, too? Please enlighten me if you know why. Thank you in advance!), and although it was more convenient than a wrap, I found that an SSC still works best for me.
Rekindled love
Dancey Doll Twirl (Full Wrap Conversion)
When cbb was 6 months old, I decided to try Tula again, all because of one carrier: the Dancey Doll Twirl.
Are you kidding me? The whimsical prints and turquoise colour were screaming my name. The illustration has dolls dancing playfully among confetti and disco balls. What reason do I have not to get this? I got this at a great deal with custom accessories: a matching hoodie with ears, ribbon reach straps and curved drool pads. With the original hood, I went on to customise a pair of booties/prewalker shoes for CBB. The accessories maker even made a headband with the extra fabric!
The Dancey Doll Twirl is a full wrap conversion, meaning all aspects of the carrier, excluding the buckles and straps, are converted from a wrap fabric. Of all the carriers, I feel that it supports CBB best. The 30% tencel and 70% cotton blend is buttery soft and molds to her body, all round. If you’re talking about overall support for mama, our canvas carrier (coming up right below!) offers a little bit more, for me.
Beacon (Canvas)
I got struck by two things when I laid my eyes on Beacon: the sunshine yellow colour and the retro prints. I had to have it! Beacon is not available in Singapore and so not a common design. I customised my reversible drool pads and have a hoodie on the way!
Shabby Chic (Full Wrap Conversion)
If there’s a personal description for Shabby Chic, it would be: “All the things I like, manifested in this carrier.”
Lace. Ribbons. Ruffles. Mint. Purple. Mustard. Craft. Victorian. Mystic. It’s completely dressed with full accessories. I got this from a lovely mama who got this from a lovely mama who has kept it in pristine condition. She even included scraps for me, and they’re on the way to be made into booties for CBB! Can’t wait to see how they will turn out!
The stock photo on the Baby Tula website doesn’t show how gorgeous Shabby Chic really is.
The days ahead
I see myself using my Tulas in rotation. Not just because they’re pretty (of course that’s a factor!), but also because to me, the support and convenience can’t be beat. I can carry her (she’s 9+kg) for the entire afternoon we’re out shopping. That’s easily 4-5 hours without putting her down. The thick shoulder padding and structured waistband provide the support I need over other SSCs I’ve tried. Plus, in a couple of months, I can try the backcarry with her. She would love that!
How long will I babywear CBB? I don’t know. But for now, I know that she loves to be cuddled. And I love to baby her. Although you technically only need one carrier for that….. :P
We’re very lucky to be chosen as a Tula Ambassadors for Singapore. There’s nothing I love more than to share my love for baby wearing and Tula carriers! And of course, I’m looking forward to err, growing my collection. I’m a bit obsessed with Lucy’s Garden, an Abby’s Lane exclusive release with glittery fairies. I hope to get my hands on it one day!
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Amilcar Camacho
Jajajaja, me amenizaste la existencia.
M. lina
Wow, I like baby carriers that you like. My best choice “Shabby Chic” baby carriers. it would be: “All the things I like, manifested in this carriers.”
My Question: Is it comfortable?