Baby: Mount Alvernia Hospital Actual Bill 2016
(This photo is misleading. My daughter’s double eyelids are now gone. LOL!)
I’ve been trying to avoid sharing my final hospital bill because many people don’t understand that bills can vary by A LOT (like thousands), depending on your gynae charges, delivery/room type and whether you take up all the optional tests or decide on none. You really must know what you’re comparing. It’s better to understand what makes up the bill and how much you can claim from medisave (it differs based on delivery procedure) so you can do your own calculations. But I’ve got toooo many requests, so I think you’d be interested in this. Please treat this as a sample only. If you do take this bill as reference, please read the details below as to what extras I paid for.
#ChuaBeeBee and I were discharged on 15 May 2016. We opted for express checkout so we didn’t have to spend time at the business office before we left – the final bill was sent to us about 1-2 weeks after we went home.
This bill is for C-section with epidural – 4D3N stay in a single ward. But take note that as I tried for inducement but failed, I was also charged for the usage of labour ward/CTG monitoring before I underwent c-section in the operating theatre. If yours is a straightforward c-section, you won’t be charged these components.
Your bill will differ depending on consumables and your own doctor’s charges.
Mummy’s bill: $10630.11 (hospital charges + gynae + anesthetist charges)
Baby’s bill: $1456.98 (hospital charges + paediatrician charges)
Total bill: $12087.09
Claimable medisave (mummy): $4400 (check your claim amount here, according to your delivery procedure and number of days stayed)
Claimable medisave (baby): $1339.48
Total cash component: $6347.61
Note: Apart from Mount A’s maternity package prices (refer to table in blog link), we also paid extra for things like baby’s hearing test, jaundice blood test and metabolic test, plus my CTG monitoring charges, physiotherapy compression socks, abdominal binder, painkillers and companion fee. Note: the two ‘Doctor Operation Fee’ entries are for my gynae and the anaesthetist who administered my epidural.
Catch up on my other pregnancy posts:
Pregnancy: The big reveal!
Pregnancy: The first trimester scans… I saw an empty womb on my first scan
Pregnancy: The second trimester – harmony test and gender reveal!
Pregnancy: The second trimester – 20-week anomaly scan + gestational diabetes scare
Pregnancy: The third trimester 4D scan – I saw Chua Bee Bee’s cute little face!
Pregnancy: Mount Alvernia Hospital – Maternity Tour & Estimated Bill Size 2016
Pregnancy: Bellybuds! Playing music for your baby in the womb
FY2016 Budget: Is the government giving us an extra $3K into the Child Development Account?
Pregnancy: Why I’m choosing GAIA Natural Baby Organic Skincare for #ChuaBeeBee
Pregnancy: Tips for changing your gynae at Week 35
Pregnancy: When you wrist hurts like nobody’s business (All about De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis)
How to bake your own chunky chocolate lactation cookies
Pregnancy: Week 39 – Low amniotic fluid and an eviction notice!
[Baby] Chua Bee Bee’s birth story: Failed inducement and a c-section :)
Baby: 30-Day DIY Confinement Herbs with Lao Ban Niang
Plus, 10% off all GAIA Natural Baby products + free gift still ongoing. Click here for details. Use my code at checkout:

pregnant lady
Congrats on your bundle of joy! She’s pretty and healthy and that’s all that matters :)
How did you cope with having to have a caesarean delivery instead of a normal delivery? Were you mentally prepared for that happening? Also, how did you claim medisave for the baby? Or it’s simply that you claimed from medisave for the baby bill under your own medisave account?
I am currently pregnant 15 weeks. Still looking for a good gynae. I feel my currently gynae is a bit too expensive. Can PM me if don’t mind?