CBB at 6 months: Preparing baby’s first solid food
You know what, it’s true when they tell you “The days are long but the years are short.” I feel like crying when I’m typing this because whaddya know, cbb is going to be SIX MONTHS OLD! Oh and to set the record straight, cbb is not her real name. You can call her Amber :)
I was going to share her first-solids experience along with some information on weaning that I gathered from my research, but the post would be toooo long then. Look out for another post, detailing common first foods, allergy concerns, how much to give, etc etc coming right up.
I’m starting cbb off with root vegetables, followed by fruit like apple and pear for her first tastes. You can also mix food together later, as baby gets used to the first foods. I’m not an advocate of baby cereal and am not going to let cbb try it at 6 months. Her first food: PUMPKIN!
I get ALL of my cbb and my family’s fruits and vegetables (not necessarily organic) from Opentaste.sg. Use my code ‘240D2E’ at checkout to get $15 off your first order. Minimum delivery is just $35 so with the $15 off, you pay only $20 for groceries at prices even lower than supermarkets. Give them a try, you won’t be disappointed.
Very first foods should be very smooth in texture and quite runny. I didn’t add any ebm or fm to the pumpkin below cos the texture came out just perfect. Preparation was a breeze with my Philips Avent 4-in-1 baby food maker.
5 reasons why I like it:
How to use:
Pour in tap water to the 20 minute mark (there’s a guide on timing included).
Replace the ‘cap’.
Insert the blade into the jar.
Add chopped ingredients.
Replace cap and flip the jar so that the blade is at the ceiling of jar instead of bottom.
Turn the knob to desired timing, depending on the type of food you’re steaming.
Once steaming is completed (take note that the knob will not go to ‘0’), flip jar over and press the middle grey button 3-4 times to purée.
You can also make food in batches to freeze, then defrost straight from freezer! Just place frozen container (one free container included in box) into the jar, turn knob to ’30’, and it will defrost the food while you prepare your own dinner or take a shower.
The Philips Avent 4-in-1 baby food maker saves me so much time. When I get home, I just throw in my chopped ingredients and leave the food maker aside while I prepare dinner for the family. Once our dinner is done, so is baby’s! After a day at work, I don’t want to have to bother with a separate steamer/steamer rack, pot/wok and then still have to mash with a fork till god-knows-when. I just want to throw everything in one jar and let the baby food maker do its thing. Big YAY to convenience! Plus, it’s for every stage of weaning:
Oh and her verdict for pumpkin: Not a big fan. After the first 2 teaspoons she started making a face and turning her head away as I tried to feed her. What a contrast to avocado.. she absolutely loved it!
Things to do next:
Disclaimer: I received a Philips 4-in-1 Baby Food Maker for review purposes and received no monetary payment for this review. All opinions and comments on my blog are my own unless you bribe me with a lot of money, cash only. But until now I haven’t accepted any bribes yet which is worth trading my 良心 for to say something is good when it sucks. Unless you really got a lot of cash to spare, like A LOT, 收买我吧.
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Hello! Love to read your blog a lot! Can share the purée recipes? My LO starting his first purée next week..very excited** for avocado, did you add milk into it?
Hi Cheryl! For avocado, if it’s very ripe, you can just scrape, mash and feed. If you find the consistency still a little lumpy, you can add some milk to it so it mashes easier. No hard and fast rule actually.
Love reading your blog. Can I know if you store the leftover for those food that you made like avocado or pumpkin purée? Since baby only take a few mouthful? Or do you prepare fresh every day? Also is it ok to use a normal steamer and blender rather than the 4 in 1 that you blog about?
You can set aside a portion in the normal compartment of your fridge and give it to your baby the next day. If there’s a lot leftover, I freeze them – ok to thaw and heat up within a month. And yes it’s ok to use a normal steamer and blender… just that it will mean more effort and washing up :)